You see two miles and you think, oh that’s nothing. Well, nothing could be further from the truth! Fiery Furnace is not the most strenuous hike, but it will feel a little more like a session at the gym than a short two miles hike! Why? Because you will have fun scrambling, climbing up using your hands, scooting across large rocks and crevices – basically using your entire body! Very little of the hike is on flat, boring trail – most of the two miles are over slickrock heading up down and left and right. And at the end you will feel so exhilarated and happy and won’t even realize the hike was a little strenuous. So maybe a session at the gym is a bad analogy because who loves that? THIS. YOU. WILL. LOVE.
The key to staying happy on this trail and water, water, water! Bring lots especially when hiking in the summer!